Movie Moment

“I’ve always liked you.”

Small confessions easily made by the tonic and Tanqueray.

“I’ve always liked you too,” he countered, one eye on the band, the other on me.

“No. I mean like-like you.” I hold my fingers an inch apart. “The tiniest of crushes.”

Snagging his attention, he turns to me, his eyes startled round.

“I have a girlfriend. You can’t say that to me.”

Small smile. Tanqueray brave.

“Just words. And the truth. Truthful words.” I turn away and find my friends.

Lost in a sea of stomping feet and thrumming bodies, we worship the band like gods for the next set.

My friends and I laugh. Ladies night. No men. No rules. What happens henceforth shall never be spoken.

Small crush moves toward me. Leaving for the night. Maybe he’s Tanqueray brave too.

The crowd parts as if it senses something is about to happen.

I turn to say my goodbye when he pulls me close.

Before I know it, his lips are on mine.




He slips his arm around my waist, leaving no room for Jesus.



Cynthia Varady (All That Glitters is Prose)

Award-winning author, short storyteller, fantasy, sci-fi, literary analysis, and true crime. She/her